Music Therapy

Music Therapy is an established health profession in which music is used within a therapeutic relationship to address physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of individuals. After assessing the strengths and needs of each client, the qualified music therapist provides the indicated treatment including creating, singing, moving to, and/or listening to music.

Through musical involvement in the therapeutic context, clients’ abilities are strengthened and transferred to other areas of their lives. Music Therapy also provides avenues for communication that can be helpful to those who find it difficult to express themselves in words. Research in music therapy supports its effectiveness in many areas such as: overall physical rehabilitation and facilitating movement, increasing people’s motivation to become engaged in their treatment, providing emotional support for clients and their families, and providing an outlet for expression of feelings (American Music Therapy Association, 2011).

At Concord Community Music School, we offer Music Therapy programs for special education, early intervention, mental health, Alzheimer’s and the elderly, hospice, and more. To inquire about our Music Therapy services, click here.

Dance Movement Therapy

Dance Movement Therapy is the use of movement to promote emotional, social, behavioral, cognitive, and physical integration and goals within an individual for the purpose of improving health and wellbeing and quality of life. This work involves subtle movement changes, using a prop or instrument to enhance movement and connection, changing movement patterns to better quality of life, connecting neurological pathways through movement, increasing range of movement, using breath with movement, and more. Dance Movement Therapy is a therapeutic technique for all ages and abilities, as the therapists first goal is to meet people where they are at. This therapeutic approach is based on the mind/ body connection, so a change in the body reflects a change in the mind. To inquire about our Dance Movement Therapy program, click here.

Tuition Rates for Expressive Arts Therapy

Tuition for 16-week semester:

  • 30-minute session: $1,184
  • 45-minute session: $1,536

Financial Aid is available; click here.

NOTE: The Music School welcomes students at any time of the semester, and we will gladly pro-rate the tuition based on the number of lessons remaining in the semester — please contact the Registrar for details or (603) 228-1196.

Expanding Horizons – Adolescent Groups

with Heidi Martinez, Dance Movement Therapist

Expanding Horizons will focus on creating a safe space to explore feelings of anxiety, identity, and expression. This group will have the opportunity to use movement to explore the connection of mind, body, and emotion. Through creative arts activities such as visual arts and expressive writing, the group will work towards fostering growing confidence and a connection to self in the world.
Classes can be created upon request to take place at the Music School or in collaboration with Middle Schools and High Schools. Inquire here if interested

Movement and Song for Memory and Mobility

with Heather Bigelow Hearne, Dance Movement Therapist

Tuesdays, 11 am – noon

Do you struggle with balance and stability? Do you want to stimulate your memory? Do you want to add fun, laughter, movement and songs to your day? This class is designed to support and enhance memory and mobility. Each session will have moments of stretching, balance and coordination as well as moments where everyone is singing and moving together. For anyone diagnosed with Parkinson’s, MS, ALS, or other motor disorders, the curriculum is designed to help increase strength and flexibility, and to regulate balance and gait. For those struggling with memory or cognitive loss, the use of repetitive patterns, songs, and movement games help to stimulate neurological connections and memories. Come laugh with us. Learn more.

Register for the current or upcoming session

Energize Through Expression

with Heather Bigelow Hearne, Dance Movement Therapist and Tony Varga, Music Therapist

Fridays, 3:30 – 4:30 pm

Come join Music Therapist Tony Varga and Dance Movement Therapist Heather Hearne for a weekly, one-hour musical and movement expressive group. This group is designed to enhance social interaction, release stress, work through and understand emotions, increase range of movement and balance, practice speech and language skills, and provide a place for joyful expression through the arts. Tony and Heather will provide music and dance therapy activities and techniques that will add expression, play, and fun songs and  movements to the group.

Register for the current or upcoming session