Director: Peggo Horstmann Hodes

Northern Lights is a small women’s vocal ensemble, open by audition. Our name highlights our musical goals: to create a shimmer of sound through the power of harmony and the magic of many individual voices blending into one. We aim to expand musical boundaries, to transform ourselves and our audience through inspiring, meaningful songs, and to serve the larger community through sharing our music. We sing a variety of musical styles including folk, jazz, classical, pop, blue-grass, and body percussion. We sing a cappella or accompanied by Calvin Herst on piano. Occasionally, our own members add other instruments like guitar, banjo, and recorder.

Begun in the fall of 2018 by Peggo Horstmann Hodes, Northern Lights is an inclusive, musically excellent ensemble that embraces the core values of CCMS – musical friendships and lifelong musical learning. With 18-20 women, we sing in 3-6 parts. For more information or to audition, please contact Peggo at

Northern Lights Women’s Vocal Ensemble